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  • PVC imitation marble board machine

    PRODCUTS > PVC marble board machine > PVC imitation marble board machine

    PVC imitation marble board machine

    Production Name: PVC imitation marble board machine


    PVC imitation marble board machine is belongs to paint free composite plate. The characteristic: 

    Green environmental protection, surface smooth, comfortable, colour is gorgeous and elegant, paintfree non-toxic, formaldehyde-free release, anti-corrosion waterproof, flame retardant, good rigidity, impact resistance, no shrinkage cracking, through heating curve change any shape, is a new kind of fashionable decoration materials. Pollution-free, high degree, simple sense is good, price is low, effect of light weight, luxurious, convenient installation. 

    Scope of application: widely used in all kinds of luxurious buildings such as hotels, hotel, commercial building, bar, cafe and family, etc. Belongs to high-grade gaily decorated new materials.

    Characteristics: non-toxic, no radioactive, class B fire, non-stick oil, cyan permeability, fastness, resistance to mildew resistant bacteria, impact, easy maintenance, joining together seamlessly, arbitrary shape. 

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